Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, can correct the appearance of the nose by altering the shape. It is a surgical solution, which requires the patient to go under the knife and has long-lasting results. For those who are not ready to make the surgical commitment, a liquid nose job using dermal fillers can help change the appearance of your nose.

Dermal nose filler is considered a “lunchtime treatment” due to its fast recovery time. A non-surgical nose job is temporary and can last from three to six months. It allows you to alter the appearance of your nose and is ideal for those who are not ready to go under the knife.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Liquid rhinoplasty (colloquially referred to as “dermal fillers”) involves the injection of polydioxanone (PDO) threads into the nose. This procedure stimulates collagen growth around the skin and gives the nose the desired lift.

This solution may also correct your nose’s symmetry, shape, and appearance — all without the side effects and risks a traditional rhinoplasty offers.

With more women opting for this type of procedure over standard rhinoplasty, it’s important to understand why a non-surgical nose job is so advantageous.

Here are five reasons why:

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1. One-and-done treatment

Dermal fillers take only 30 minutes to administer. You can go in for your appointment during your lunch break, for instance, and be out in time to get back to work. This makes it the perfect solution for busy women who can’t afford to take days off from their careers and other commitments.

On the other hand, a rhinoplasty requires up to two hours of surgery time—and this still doesn’t include the recovery period. You’ll also need to put your life on hold and stay indoors for at least two weeks while you recover. During that time, you’ll also have to keep your head elevated and abstain from strenuous activities, which can be tough with a hectic schedule.

2. A temporary solution

A liquid nose job would suffice if you aren’t ready to commit to a permanent rhinoplasty.

Dermal fillers last for only about 12 to 18 months before being fully absorbed by the body. The Victorian Cosmetic Institute recommends against too many regular touch ups as the dermal filler may gather in the nose. If you don’t want to naturally get rid of it, you can discuss with your doctor about having an enzyme called hyaluronidase injected into your nose. This will accelerate the absorption process and reverse the nasal passage back to its original state.

Thanks to the transient nature of this treatment without surgery, this is an excellent choice for those who are still experimenting with different nose types or are unsure whether rhinoplasty is right for them.

3. Fewer side effects than rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure, and as such, it exposes patients to side effects and health risks. These include infection, swelling, and pain. You may also experience bruising around the eyes, which could last for weeks.

In contrast, dermal fillers don’t come with these side effects. Injections are minimally invasive and only target the  specific area, this means there’s a much lower risk of complications. You can expect is some redness in the injection site, but this usually only lasts for a day or two.

4. No visible scarring or incisions

Rhinoplasty requires access to the inside of your nose, which can only be achieved through performing surgical incisions on the nasal bridge and the columella—the patch of skin between your nostrils. This can leave you with noticeable scars after the procedure, which can blemish your complexion.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are injected through a thin needle. This means there’s no need for any incisions as there won’t be any scars or visible signs that you’ve had a nose job. You may see a small red dot on your nose for a few days after the treatment, but it will fade when the filler is fully absorbed by the body.

Some traditional rhinoplasty surgeons now also perform a closed surgical procedure, which leaves next to no visible signs that you’ve had surgery. But if you’d rather not deal with any type of scarring, a non-surgical nose job is still your best bet.

5. More affordable than traditional rhinoplasty

Liquid nose jobs are also more affordable than a rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is conducted in a hospital setting, and patients may have to go under the effects of general anaesthesia. This makes the procedure expensive, as you’ll have to factor in the cost of the surgery, anaesthesia, and hospitalisation into your budget.

Liquid nose jobs, on the other hand, can be conducted on an outpatient basis and don’t need any excess frills. It usually costs less than US$1,500 to have a dermal filler applied to your nose.

The information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding any medical procedure.

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