‘Seasons’ looks at the bizarre way seasons are structured in the fashion industry. As a young designer, Wynn Hamlyn was amazed at how summer collections deliver into stores in August (mid-winter in New Zealand) and winter collections deliver into stores in February (mid-Summer).

The collection then looks deeper into the fact that due to climate change, adverse, off-season weather and storm events happen all year around. Hence, you may need your winter coats in February and your summer dresses in August. The bizarre schedule of fashion is, in fact, a self-fulfilling prophecy for the weather.

As a result, ‘Seasons’ is a collection, which creates a wardrobe for the future climate-changed dystopian world we are creating – a world in which you might encounter any season at any time.

The Flooring Foundation created custom carpets for the runway, illustrated by Kelly Thompson. These depicted a vine that, in places, was flourishing and healthy, but in others was wilting and dying. The flora depicted in the print is also based on plants used in the production of cotton cloth, as a reference to the fashion industry.

© Michael Ng / nzfashionweek.com

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